I received a Captain Marvel Caturday Kit for this review/feature. Opinions expressed are my own.
In honor of Captain Marvel available on Digital in HD and 4K Ultra HD™ and Movies Anywhere May 28, and arriving on Blu-ray™ and Blu-ray 4K Ultra HD™ June 11th here is a fun Captain Marvel Caturday themed blog post to celebrate!
Goose the cat (Flerken) in Captain Marvel has become an instant star everywhere. My family certainly loves that Flerken! In my house we have our own little star…our 13 year old ornery cat named Lionel. He has a really bad eye but he is still our furry family member. Here he is in a custom poster celebrating Captain Marvel.
Here he is…barely tolerating every minute in this outfit my girls put on him! LOL! He might just be the most un-photogenic cat that ever was!
Here is Big Sis playing with Goose from the movie.
Here he is with a little squeeze! Gotta watch out for those Flerkens!
Stay tuned for a blog post coming next week with a list of all the bonus features you can find on the Captain Marvel Blu-ray Combo Pack as well as my review of the movie. Captain Marvel is now available on Digital HD and arrives on 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™, and DVD June 11th! It is a must-see for Marvel fans!
Happy Captain Marvel Caturday! ***WARNING*** Hug Flerkens at your own risk!