Style is important, but you shouldn’t have to spend an arm and a leg to look good. That’s why I love stores like Dollar General. You get so much bang for your buck, but you won’t have to sacrifice style. My sister and I went shopping there a few days ago, and we couldn’t believe all of the great clothing and accessories we found for a fraction of the cost at other stores. At Dollar General, you can shop apparel online and in store – convenient for all shopping habits!
I found a hoodie for Big Bro, an outfit and pajamas for a friend’s daughter and some adorable accessories, all for under $40! Total score for me!
I brought two hoodie’s home for Big Bro and he squealed with delight! You see, the kid has a hoodie obsession and he is rarely ever seen without one. He just loved the colors and style of the one I picked up!
Since many of you have smaller children, I really wanted to focus on apparel for the little tots. I asked my friend if I could use her daughter as a model, and she delightfully agreed! Her little girl is just adorable and I had so much fun playing dress up with a little girl!
The first outfit she modeled was this cute little white, black and red polka dot shirt that has lady bugs, butterflies and flowers, with “Love” written all over it. I accessorized it with a necklace and bracelet set that came with the cute little purse and a red headband. Of course the headband didn’t even last through the first photo, but she had fun playing with it during our photo shoot!
The second set she modeled for me were these adorable little monkey pajamas. They’re silky and comfortable, just the way little kids like! We paired these with bright pink socks and a necklace. We tried another headband, but that worked as well as the last!
Overall, I really got a great haul at Dollar General. My friend had never shopped there before, but plans to now after I told her how much each outfit cost! They’ve got some adorable pieces out for Spring and Summer, so check them out next time you need to shop. You can’t go wrong with those amazing prices!