National Geographic Kids Books is going a little Hollywood this Spring with the release of the ONLY official movie tie-in book for The Angry Birds movie with a non-fiction, educational twist.? From understanding the physics in the games, to exploring the seasons, to blasting into space, the Angry Birds series of books are a fun and entertaining way to understand the science and culture behind the most popular game in the world. Check out The Angry Birds Movie: Red’s Big Adventure and other books like Angry Birds Playground: Atlas to get kids excited for reading!

National Geographic The Angry Birds Movie: ?Red’s Big Adventure is the latest title in the National Geographic Angry Birds series and will take you on an amazing journey with Red, the leader of the Angry Birds flock, along with Matilda, Chuck, Bomb, Terence, and the mysterious Mighty Eagle. Featuring The Angry Birds Movie (2016) story world, this book is filled with all the fun facts and information Red and the flock need to embark on their big adventure. From identifying wildlife to navigating by the stars to building a shelter and setting traps (for any roaming Piggies), this book will be sure to entertain as well as educate.

I have come to expect only the best with National Geographic Kids books and this one does not disappoint! Full of truly gorgeous photographs as well as fun Angry Bird illustrations makes this one amazing little book.

On behalf of National Geographic Kids Books here is an amazing Angry Birds Fun Pack I get to give away to one of you lucky readers!
- The Angry Birds Movie: Red’s Big Adventure book
- Angry Birds Playground: Atlas?book
- Angry Birds Early Bird “Worms”
- Angry Birds fuzzy eyebrows pack
- Angry Birds drawstring bag
To think it all started with a little game I use to play on? my phone years ago and now Angry Birds is a movie! My whole family loves flinging those birds to knock out the pigs and we can’t wait till we see the movie in theaters. Until then we will just have to enjoy the books. Big Sis is really into both Angry Birds and science so these books are the perfect combination for kids to enjoy!
Connect: You can connect with National Geographic Kids on Facebook and @NGKidsBks on Twitter.
Giveaway Winner: Kristina M.