Thanks for joining us for the Leap into Spring event! Jennifer and I have some great stuff in store to help you get ready for Spring! Make sure to stop by both blogs each day because new stuff will be added daily!
Hoover Review & Giveaway Postponed. I will keep you updated!
One of the biggest parts of Spring around here {besides all of the yard work} is cleaning! Living in Wisconsin during the winter is COLD, so the house is always closed up. Everything stays trapped inside for those long cold months of winter. Then when Spring hits, we try to keep the house open so everything can air out. Then of course, the Spring cleaning starts. We have 2 dogs, so we’re constantly vacuuming, sweeping and mopping. It seems like a never ending battle around here. It doesn’t help that are dogs are major shedders and their hair seems to get trapped everywhere! Having hard floors throughout the house, hair always seems to collect in corners.
Let’s just say that I was ecstatic when Hoover confirmed participation in this event and let me know that Jennifer and I would both be receiving the FloorMate SpinScrub with Bonus. I was so giddy and couldn’t wait for it to arrive. I actually made jokes about wanting to kiss the Fed Ex man when he delivered it. What can I say, I’m a goof!
The Man was not home when it arrived, so it sat in the box all pretty waiting for him to come home to assemble it. Let me tell you, it was pretty hard to just let it sit there. I was half tempted to rip it out of the box and put it together myself. I held out though, and just patiently looked at the box.
When he got home he opened up the box and started taking the pieces out. I ran to the bathroom quick, and I do mean quick. I couldn’t have been gone for more than 1-2 minutes, tops! This is what I came back to.
He had the whole dang thing pretty much together already! I couldn’t believe it, that was super fast! Then I thought “Gees, I could have had this thing together hours ago and already been playing with it!” The FloorMate literally went together in a matter of minutes. It was so easy, almost too easy!
Then I look down and who do I see? Two silly dogs watching the whole thing! They look pretty interested don’t they? These little fur balls are the reason this handy dandy little FloorMate is perfect for our floor care needs.
As you can see from the picture above, the FloorMate has 3 different settings. It vacuums, washes and dries. It can take care of all of my needs with one tool, instead of a few. I am going to get so much use of this baby since every floor in the house is either hardwood or linoleum. We have two 8×10 foot rugs in the living room and computer room. That’s it, no carpeting besides that. I always thought hard floors would be so much easier to keep clean, but it’s really not true. Sometimes they seem harder to keep clean.
We know that you love hard floors as much as carpet, so we made a tool that lets you kick the bucket, put away the broom and say goodbye to hands-and-knees scrubbing. The new Hoover? FloorMate? Hard Floor Cleaner with SpinScrub? technology is the ultimate 3-in-1 cleaner that vacuums, washes and dries hard floors with one simple tool unlike any steam mop or mopping systems on the market.
So I’m sure you’re wondering what my thoughts are on how this thing really works.
I love it!
Simple as that. The vacuum part works great and picked up everything in its path. I dumped the container, then filled the other with cleaning solution and water. It washed the floors beautifully! I was actually surprised. I mean I figured it would work good, just not this good. After the floors were cleaned, I dried them. I was also surprised at how it dried the floors so good. That’s a wonderful feature because it was really a pain to have wet floors every time I mopped. They would always stay wet for quite awhile and we wouldn’t want to walk on them. That’s kind of hard to do with two kids and two dogs! When it’s drying the floor, it also picks up anything that was left behind in the was step.
Now check out this feature. It has a folding handle, so it can be stored almost anywhere! The handle is extremely easy to fold and release too!
I could not be happier with my new FloorMate SpinScrub with Bonus. It has already made my life easier and I’m sure it will just get better the more I use it. It’s made cleaning more enjoyable for me because it’s more like a vacuum. I always hated the mop and broom. Oh, and I almost forgot the fact that every time I would sweep with a broom, the dog hair and dust would get in the air. Now I don’t have that problem anymore!
Buy It!
You can buy the FloorMate SpinScrub with Bonus for $179.99.
I was given a product for the purpose of reviewing. Opinions expressed are my own or my families and are not influenced by any form of compensation. Take it or leave it. Click here to view my full acknowledgment policy.