OK people – we are in the home stretch until Christmas! How many of you are still struggling to find something for your coworkers or child’s teacher?? Well, my DIY Fizzy Bath Salts may be the answer to your prayers!
DIY Fizzy Bath Salts
Here is what you need:
- 2 cups Epsom salts
- 1/2 cup sea salt
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/2 cup citric acid
- 10 drops lavender essential oils
- 10 drops Sweet Orange essential oils
- 8 drops red food coloring, 4 drops blue
- air-tight container (I used mason jars
- canning funnel
- mixing bowl and spoon
You can purchase all of these supplies through my affiliate links below.
Step 1: Mix the Salts and Baking Soda.
Step 2: Add the essential oils and food coloring. Mix well.
Step 3: Add the citric acid and mix well. Use the funnel to pour into your containers.
Step 4: Add a pretty ribbon and you are ready to gift!
I also used the remainder of the bath salt to make my variation on bath bombs!? Just spray with a tiny amount of water (too much will activate the fizzy stuff!) and then press into a mold and let harden. They turned out so cute!
This is such a fun DIY project and you can make as little or as much as you would like to hand out to all of the people on your gift list. Grab some really small containers and these DIY Fizzy Bath Salts make perfect party favors for baby and wedding shower guests too!
You should check out these great diy bath and beauty recipes too!