Spring is finally in the air and we have some great things to share with you to kick off this wonderful season! From backyard bar-b-ques and outdoor fun to Easter and Mother’s Day gifts and Spring Cleaning, we’ve got you covered. Make sure to stop by daily to see the wonderful products we have to share with you. Of course there are a whole bunch of giveaways you can win too!
WINNER #127 Nancy!
“Toddlers, like babies, don?t come with an owner’s manual- and yet they?re at least as difficult to figure out?and to operate safely. Happily, help is here. Picking up the action where What to Expect The First Year left off (and as the action really starts to pick up), What to Expect the Second Year is a complete why, when, and how to guide to your fledgling toddler, from 12 months to 24 months. “
So there’s a new addition to the What to Expect family! Just released is What To Expect The Second Year, that helpful parenting guide that probably got you through your pregnancy and maybe into the first year of your new life with your little one. I was really excited to be a part of this launch as I had both of the previous books to help me limp my way through pregnancy and the first year of motherhood. Just like the its? siblings, What to Expect the Second Year has the same easy to read/find info style. It is broken down into different segments (feeding, behavior, discipline) instead of broken into months/age. You?re making that transition and growing up and it’s nice to see What to Expect has too! I just finished experiencing the ?Second Year? of life with my toddler. B turned two in February and oh boy, so many things happened! He was expanding his wings and taking flight, he walked, started to talk, began experimenting with different foods and a million other things. As I look ahead with the twins I am already intimidated. How will I survive it again?times two???? Thankfully I will have this guide by my side to remind me what to expect and how to deal with it. Here two examples of behavior and how to deal with them that I found in the book that I really enjoyed:
Behavior: Banging on everything
Explanation: There’s a pint-sized percussionist in every 1-year-old. Making sounds is super satisfying?and making sounds loud enough to make a scene (or make Daddy crazy) is satisfaction plus-plus. Rhythm is rad to discover, too. Plus, when you have energy to burn?as every toddler does?banging does a bang-up job.
Solution: Give your little drummer boy or girl plenty of appropriate opportunities to bang. Offer up the classic toddler drum set: a pot and a wooden spoon?then a metal one for your mini-metalhead to experiment with (it?ll make a different sound). Play music, too, and dance it out together. Redirect dangerous banging?glass coffee table comes to mind?immediately.Behavior: Not sharing
Explanation: To toddlers, there is no ?yours, mine, and ours??here is only mine: their only article of possession, and as soon as they master it, one of their favorite words. Just starting to grasp the concept of ownership, toddlers still haven?t figured out that it applies to anyone but themselves. Plus, hoarding is yet another way little ones define their identity (?I have, therefore I am?).
Solution: Instead of pushing sharing, which will make your tot guard those toys more jealously, put that possessiveness in perspective (really, would you be that quick to loan out, say, your car?). Play sharing games at home (Ill let you look at my book. Then I will look at yours.?) And put special toys away at play dates so they won?t be grabbed by peers.
Another great tool that the folks at What to Expect have put together is an informative website for the book. And…. if you?re curious what Heidi Murkoff is like in person you can check her out in this brief you tube video!
Buy It!
You can buy “What to Expect the Second Year” by Heidi Murkoff for $16.14
You can win your own copy of What to Expect the Second Year and ALSO a gift basket stocked with some toddler essentials (“board books for inquisitive minds, building blocks and balls to assist with small motor function development, toddler-sized utensils, safety covers to keep the little one safe and, of course, a snuggly stuffed animal”) worth $75! To enter the giveaway tell me something about a toddler in your life! This step must be done before you can qualify for extra entries
Extra Entries:
- Visit the What to Expect website and share what part of the site you felt to be most useful!
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- One extra entry for having the “Spring Fling” event banner on your site!
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#Win a Toddler Gift Basket and book “What to Expect the Second Year” @What_to_Expect @OutnumberedMama https://outnumbered3-1.com #Giveaway
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This giveaway is open to residents of the US until April 18th at 11:59 pm.
Check out a complete list of giveaway rules.
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